Albertina Walker Funeral Program

Today, GCM Watch received communication from a woman who allegedly is the granddaughter of reknowned gospel singer Albertina Walker. In June, we reported on Walker’s appearance at The Fellowship conference in Chicago. We also questioned whether appearances of gospel artists at gay affirming conferences and music events was a serious theo-ethical breach. If the writer is correct in her assertions, it appears there may have been some level of deception on the part of Bishop Yvette Flunder and The Fellowship. Although the following is from “Tina Nance”, GCMW has not yet verified her identity.

Part II-This is my edited account, in selected clips, of the events, performances and speeches in honor of Albertina Walker the Queen of Gospel. Aftercare card program for funeral homes. Automatically touch families during the first year following a loss. 4 cards + survey for only $20.

“My name is Tina Nance and Albertina Walker is my Grandmother. I came across this article while visiting her today for her Birthday. Let me first say that my grandmother did not know the background of this organization until after the event, had she known this information she would not have been a part of this program. When she learned of this information, after the fact she was quite upset, but by then it was too late. The management company that books the CARAVANS has made the appropriate changes to their process to ensure that this situation does not occur in the future.

Albertina Walker Funeral Program

Furthermore, I do not understand why my grandmother was singled out when she appeared at this event as part of the Caravans not as a soloist. I realize that her name is perhaps the most recognizable on the flyer, but it would’ve been responsible to mention that she performed with the Caravans and not as a soloist. My grandmother does not in anyway support or promote this lifestyle, this was very simply a case of her not being given pertinent information. Finally, I would like to add that Albertina Walker is possibly the easiest artist to contact on Earth, it would not have been at all difficult for a responsible journalist to reach her.”

Ms Nance raises some issues we’d like to respond to.

First, we meant no disrespect to Albertina Walker. As a matter of fact, we pointed out that she was a gospel singer par excellence. Her music and ministry is highly respected making it even more strange that she would agree to appear at such a conference with full knowledge of who and what was really going on there [see original article comments].

Secondly, we disagree that Albertina Walker was “singled out”. While the flyer released by The Fellowship headlined the Caravans, it highlighted the “Queen of Gospel Music” as the name behind the Caravans. Her name is the most recognizable, therefore attention was placed on her appearance as opposed to her being there as just a member of the Caravans. This is why we posted a copy of the flyer and a link to the original.

Third, we are cheered and heartened to learn that Albertina was “quite upset” that she or her booking company was deceived. This was at the core of our article. Some of these gay christian organizations intentionally misrepresent themselves and their false doctrine in order to lure gospel artists to their events. The booking agency is to be applauded for amending procedures to ensure no deception in future engagements.

Fourth, we did make an attempt to contact Albertina. As soon as we learned of this event, an email was sent. [albertinawalker at] to Albertina via her website. It was returned undeliverable the next day. Moreover, her official website listed no phone contact. We even asked if anyone reading the article could help us with contact, but that information did not come through [again see original article comments].

Albertina Walker Funeral

Thank you Ms Nance for writing and letting everyone know that Albertina Walker does not support the lifestyles of those who claim Christ but remain sexually disobedient to God’s Word.

The Chicago Sun Times is reporting that a relative and family friend of Albertina Walker’s was arrested after they allegedly roughed up the gospel legend’s longtime manager and agent at a tribute concert after she died. A friend of mine got a text about this late last week, but no one new the details surrounding the incident until the Chicago Sun Times released this in depth report.

Albertina Walker Obituary

The incident happened Thursday night at Apostolic Church of God, 6320 S. Dorchester, during a musical tribute to Walker, the Grammy award-winning “Queen of Gospel” who died Oct. 8, police said Saturday.

The concert followed a public viewing that day; her funeral was Friday.

It started when the 32-year-old victim went on stage, police said. The victim was identified by sources as Eric Peterson.

“The two individuals ordered the victim to get off the stage. When he did not exit the stage, they physically went ahead and battered this individual,” police spokesman John Mirabelli said Saturday.

“One of them grabbed him, and the other one punched him,” Mirabelli said.

Gerald Walker, 47, of the 7700 block of South Essex, and Carl Jackson, 40, of the 8300 block of South Seeley, were arrested Thursday night and were each charged with one count of battery.

Tina Nance, Albertina Walker’s goddaughter, confirmed the police account and identified Gerald Walker as Albertina Walker’s nephew and Jackson as a family friend.

Albertina Walker Funeral Program

“The nephew who was involved was upset by some things that had gone on, as the family did not feel [the manager] should be on that stage and asked him to come off,” Nance said.

“It was unfortunate what happened, but I don’t want it to detract from the celebration of my godmother’s legacy and her memory.”

One person who witnessed the encounter said it happened right before the tribute concert started. Some family members “didn’t want [Peterson] to be there. He said he didn’t want to be escorted from the pulpit in front of 5,000 people,” the witness said.

Albertina Walker Funeral Programs

Sources said the dispute between Peterson and family members involves some of Walker’s possessions.

Peterson, sources said, was not seriously injured and attended Walker’s funeral.

Peterson could not be reached for comment Saturday.

Pam Morris, a longtime friend of Walker’s, said she wants everything to be resolved so the gospel queen’s “incredible legacy can be remembered and carried on for years for my grandchildren and their children yet to be born.”

Albertina Walker Funeral Program

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