Download Pain Coping Strategies Questionnaire Pdf Free

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A study has examined the coping strategies in two distinctly different groups of chronic pain patients with a group of healthy controls. In trial, 30 neuropathic pain patients, 28 fibromyalgia patients and 26 pain free healthy controls completed the Coping Strategy Questionnaire (CSQ-48/27) and rated their daily pain. Pain Self-Management Strategies If you have chronic pain, this guide can help you manage your pain. Richard Wanlass, Ph.D. & Debra Fishman, Psy.D. UC Davis Medical Center, Department of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, 060411. This project was partially funded by a grant. From the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

General description: The coping strategy questionnaire. (CSQ), (Rosenstiel & Keefe ) in its original version consists of 50 items assessing patient self rated. We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping. Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ). We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping Strategies.

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Cambridge University Press; A total of patients were invited to participate, of whom accepted, resulting in a response rate of This procedure was performed in accordance with international guidelines The CSQ-Revised was initially administered to 50 patients with chronic nonspecific pain to probe what was meant by each item and the chosen response. Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures.

Cross-validation of the factor structure of the Coping Strategies Questionnaire. Strayegies of the Questiomnaire version of the CSQ.

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Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)

Conventional criteria versus new alternatives. This item questionnaire measures the use of strategies for coping with pain by assessing six domains: Acknowledgments The authors thank Kevin Smart for his help in preparing the English version of the manuscript. Open in a separate window. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation The questionnaire was translated into Italian using a process of forward-backward translation involving four translators. The item-scale correlations were satisfactory Distraction, 0.

National Center for Biotechnology InformationU.

Cross-cultural adaptation, factor analysis, reliability and validity. Five factors or fiction? Italian validation of the CES-D self-rating scale. Two translators, whose first language was Italian, each independently translated the English version into Italian, keeping the language colloquial and compatible with a reading age of 14 years.

Impact of pain on self-rated health in community-dwelling older adults.

Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)

Development and preliminary validation. For each subscale, the answers are summed and divided by doping number of items for which a response was provided.

French researchers have also performed a CFA using the CSQ-Revised, and achieved satisfactory results consistent with our findings and those of Riley and Robinson 89.

Based on the findings of the original developers, Guarding, Resting and Asking for assistance were considered to be maladaptive strategies because they are more illness-focused, while the remaining five subscales were considered to be adaptive Strategie di coping Distrarsi 12345: However, not everyone experiencing chronic pain is physically disabled or invariably depressed; many continue their work and social activities, and rarely seek medical assistance or the help of a significant other 1.

Support Center Support Center. The use of coping strategies in chronic low back pain patients: The aim of the present study was to describe the cultural adaptation of the CSQ-Revised and its validation in a large sample of subjects with chronic pain to enable its use in Strategirs subjects in Italy and abroad.

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The translation proved to have good factorial structure, and its psychometric properties are similar to those of the original and other adapted versions. Other outcome measures Numerical Rating Scale: The translators doping reviewed the two Italian versions together, ensuring that items with poor wording were identified and improved by means of discussion.

Sickness Impact Profile — Roland scale: The Chronic Pain Coping Inventory: The factorial structure of the CSQ-Revised was confirmed, and the satisfactory item-scale correlations enabled us questionnaie include all of the 27 strztegies, as originally proposed 7. Increasing attention is being devoted to cognitive-behavioural measures quesitonnaire improve interventions for chronic pain. Chronic pain is characterised by physical dysfunction, disability and mood alterations 1.

Most of the a priori hypotheses were confirmed. A large sample item level factor analysis.

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General description: The coping strategy questionnaire. (CSQ), (Rosenstiel & Keefe ) in its original version consists of 50 items assessing patient self rated. We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping. Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ). We present a study with the aim of investigating the internal consistency and reliability of a Swedish version of the Coping Strategies.

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Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)

Dimensions of pain-related cognitive coping: Although it had good reliability and validity, it showed an unstable structure 3 — 5 that has been hypothesized to be mainly due to difficulties in measuring differences in cq between different clinical settings, disorders and pain problems 6. Scand J Behav Ther. It can be recommended for use in chronic pain research and multidisciplinary pain assessments.

A large sample item level factor analysis. Riley J, Robinson ME. ICC Intraclass correlation coefficient. This article has been cited by other articles in PMC. Third, additional studies of the properties of CSQ-Revised using modern test theory methods, such as Rasch measurement theory or item response theory, are recommended because only classical test theory psychometric properties were evaluated.

Consistent with the English findings 8our estimates of construct validity highlighted the adaptive ie, Distraction, Ignoring pain copinb, Distancing from pain and Coping self-statements sfrategies maladaptive properties Catastrophizing and Praying of most of the subscales 47 Prendere le distanze dal dolore 131415 Analyzing the psychometric properties of an outcome measure is a continuous process that is strongly recommended to strengthen its properties and expand its applicability to specific populations and contexts Pregare 2324 The CSQ-Revised was completed in The aim of the present study was to describe the cultural adaptation of the CSQ-Revised and its validation dtrategies a large sample of subjects with chronic pain to enable its use in Italian-speaking subjects in Italy and abroad.

The questionnaire was translated into Italian using a process of forward-backward translation involving four translators. Two translators, whose first language was Italian, each independently translated the English version into Italian, keeping the language colloquial and compatible with a reading age of 14 years.

There were no problems with wuestionnaire to comprehension. Step 1 ended when a common adaptation was agreed on. Its use is recommended for clinical and research purposes in Italy and abroad. The correlations between the CSQ-Revised and the CPCI contributed further evidence of the adaptive and maladaptive strategies investigated by both measures. The sociodemographic questinnaire of the participants are presented in Table 1.

Sickness Impact Strateggies — Roland scale: Ignorare le sensazioni dolorose: The difficulties encountered by the translators were overcome by means of careful wording. Second, the relationships between self-reported beliefs and objective measures of coping, such as behavioural observations or reports of cognitive coping during structured or standardized situations, were not considered because only self-administered measures were used.

Testing the stratdgies version: Our findings provide further evidence regarding the relationships between CSQ-Revised and CPCI, two widely used questionnaires that assess coping strategies in individuals with chronic pain. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU. Strategie di coping Distrarsi 12345: The expert committee re-evaluated all of the findings, although no further adjustment was required.

Development and preliminary validation.

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First, its cross-sectional design means that significant correlations should not be confused with causal effects. A CFA coling performed and each of the items was specified to load on its respective subscale as originally hypothesized 78.

Coping Strategies Questionnaire (CSQ)

Support Center Support Center. Please review our questionaire policy. The meaning of the original items was adequately captured by the idiomatic translation of the CSQ-Revised. Guidelines for the process of cross-cultural adaptation of self-report measures. J Consult Clin Psychol. The use of coping strategies in chronic low back pain patients:

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