Post Tagged with: 'dragon ball z seasons 1-9 download' Animated / Anime (Eng Subbed) / Anime DUBBED / complete season Dragon Ball HDTV Complete Series Dual Audio (English funimation Dub + Japanese) x265 HEVC Season 1-5 Pack. LIKE THE VIDEOSUBSCRIBE AS WELL.
A while ago, I completed an edit of Dragon Ball wherein I removed as much filler as I possibly could. It was first known as Dragon Ball RF (the RF standing for Reduced Filler) but the release of the most recent film ( Resurrection 'F') all but forced me to change the title, so I chose Dragon Ball Recut instead.About The Editing Process:First of all, it's dual-audio. Using the Dragon Box as the source for video and Japanese audio, and the Blue Bricks as the source for the English dub and subtitles, I have gone through the entire series and edited out as much filler as I possibly could.Priority was given to the original Japanese track.
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By that I mean that I edited around the Japanese track first, and then edited the English track accordingly. I did so for a couple of reasons: the first of which is that the Japanese track is in mono, making it very difficult to manipulate in any significant way, so whatever edits I made had to accommodate the Japanese track first and foremost. The second reason is that I personally don't much care for the English dub. At the beginning of this project, I paid much more attention to the dub and tried to edit it in such a way that would be more faithful to the original Japanese dialog.
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However, it very quickly became apparent to me that the English dub was a lost cause, so I stopped caring about it after the first few episodes or so. For that reason, there may be a line inconsistency or two found on the English track due to Funimation constantly changing the dialog entirely from what it was originally supposed to be (if they hadn't done that so frequently, it wouldn't have been an issue).Episode lengths (and file sizes) vary, due to the nature of the editing process. I tried to keep the episodes around 24 minutes or so, but it was really a matter of finding a good ending point for each episode. For that reason, some episodes run for about 18 minutes while others can go for as long as 32 minutes. I was unable to remove Gregory. Simply put, he is present in far too many manga-material shots afterward for it to be possible. I was, however, able to remove all of the Bulma/Ginyu body-switch stuff.
Not only was I able to remove it, but it was incredibly easy to do so, making it that much more frustrating that Toei decided to leave it in.UPDATE (2/12/2019): Episodes 001 to 047 are completed! I decided to release in chunks this time around. These episodes cover the Saiyan, Namek, and Freeza arcs in their entirety. See for more info.UPDATE (4/12/2019): Episodes 048 to 082 have been completed!
These episodes cover the Android/Cell arc in its entirety. See for more info.Dragon Ball Z Recut(Added on 9-7-2016)I'm also beginning work on a recut of Dragon Ball Z while I wait for Boo Kai to show up in North America. Why recut both Z and Kai, you ask? Because I'm a damn fool, that's why! Honestly, though, I started Kai first, and then about halfway through realized that I also want to recut the original Z for the OG Japanese dub and Kikuchi music. So now I'm doing both. Yay.I welcome any feedback and questions from all of you hardcore Dragon Ball fans.
I may also post here occasionally asking for your help and opinions on things. Wrote:I don't really think it's worth getting worked up about. Very soon we will have our own Wiki. And over time, it will be bigger, better, and more accurate than theirs. We'll have standards. We'll have quality control.
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We'll have better information. And I'm sure, people will naturally gravitate to it once there is some substance.The best way to fix the giant cancer that is the DB Wiki is to provide an alternative for those who really want it. Even those who prefer dub names will wind up looking things up on the Kanzenshuu Wiki. Because sooner or later, they're going to need information they know they can trust.
Kunzait83 wrote:And if you're upset because all this new material completely invalidates the tabletop RPG rulebook-sized statistical system and flowchart for the characters' 'canonical Power Levels' that you'd been working on painstakingly for the last bunch of years now. Well I don't think there's a kind, non-blunt way of saying this, but that's 100% entirely your own misguided fault for buying so deeply into all this nonsensical garbage in the first place. And that you also have IMMENSELY skewed and comically backwards priorities in what you think is most important and needed to make a good Dragon Ball story.
This is great for what it does, but i would have approached such a project as a multilanguage project (not just Japanese and English) that kept filler to a minimum, but was willing to keep whatever is necessary so that things would be smooth no matter what language your watching or listening to. For example, i could be wrong, but Kid Goku doesn't 'propose' to Chi-Chi where he originally does, but he does in a filler that happens before 23rd Tenchaichi Bodukai (don't kill me if that's spelled wrong). Yes, this does involve polishing turds, but it provides lots of choice. Of course, the Z section would be handled differently compared to original DB. On the English dub front, since both DBZ and DBZ Kai have lossless surround sound, i would try fitting in the Kai voice acting wherever possible, only using the original voice acting where necessary (for example, manga scenes cut in Kai for no reason, which is mainly a problem with the Saiyan and especially the Boo sagas). As for the French, Catalan, Galician dubs, the Kai audio would be used most of the time for Saiyan-Cell sagas, and almost all the time for the Boo sagas (unless cut manga scenes have no music playing.).
German would use mostly Z footage, using Kai audio either for retained filler scenes or scenes kept in Kai but removed from german Z dub due to French censorship.Of course, i wouldn't do such a project unless i had a lot of money to burn. Just on the Japanese front alone I would need all the Dragon Boxes and the movie Laserdiscs.
English I would need Blue Bricks, DB movie 4-pack, Kai Blu-Ray Parts, Blu-Ray Season Sets, Blu-Ray Level Sets (for creditless OP1v1 and OP1v2, editing everything to match Dragon Box framing and colors), Funi Dragon Boxes, Pioneer Movie Laserdiscs, Double Feature Blu-Rays, perhaps a few AB Groupe 'Big Green' dub dvds, both of the fandubs for the Bardock special, possibly the Harmony Gold DB Movie 1-3 double feature, possibly the Phillipine DBZ Movie 5-6 double feature, Green Bricks, DBGT Singles. Just looking for the best resources for Japanese and English alone would cost a small fortune. Lord Beerus wrote:I'd also like to know where I can download and watch Dragon Ball Recut.Again, I'm hesitant to tell people exactly where to find it as I want to respect the rules around here as much as possible and I'm not entirely sure where the line is. If you enter the search terms 'dragon ball recut' on Google (INCLUDING the quotation marks), then you should be able to find it on the first page or two (hint: it's on a relatively well known anime-related torrent site). Maybe I'm being overly cautious but feel free to censor me, mods, if you feel that I'm crossing a line.
Dragon Ball Z Kai 1
Ajay wrote:I've recommended it several times on this forum since I first watched it over a year ago now, but I'll do again.Dragon Ball Recut is absolutely fantastic and has been my go-to for watching the show ever since.I do wish you were doing Z Recut instead of Kai so that I could have Kikuchi and the original voice acting over anything else, but I can understand not wanting to go to all that effort.That's awesome! Thanks, Ajay!After I finished Dragon Ball, I actually didn't want to do Z or Kai at all, but eventually warmed up to the idea of editing Kai because, like I said, it seemed like it would be much less work. I honestly assumed that I would just be fixing shots here and there and that actual editing wouldn't even be necessary. I was a fool. Now that Kai is turning into quite the editing ordeal itself, I'm beginning to think that I should have just done Z from the start.
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But, oh well, I've already come this far so I may as well see it through to the end.I've pretty much resigned myself to the fact that I will indeed be doing Z Recut somewhere down the line since I, too, would like to have the original Japanese voice acting and Kikuchi score. I may even begin that sooner rather than later seeing as how Funimation is taking their SWEET, SWEET time releasing the Kai Buu saga, and I, apparently, am in no hurry to begin actually living my life. OmegaRockman wrote:I was really happy to see your cut featured on a certain fanedit database!Yeah, it's neat to have it listed on there. It's currently up for, though I think it has about zero chance of winning seeing as how there don't seem to be a lot of hardcore Dragon Ball fans over there and, let's face it, who else is going to watch it? The casual fan-editor isn't going to want to sit through a 30-hour television series that they have little to no interest in. Still, it's cool to see it featured on the site.
And thank you, I'm glad you enjoy it!
Dragon Ball is a Japanese media franchise that started in 1984 and is still going strong today in 2020. Dragon Ball, in the very beginning stages, started off as a manga series called Dragon Boy. This original story depicted a young boy named Tanton and his quest to return a princess to her homeland. Sounds a tad like the beginning of every fairy tale ever. This was soon put to rest, and a new story emerged.
The series then took a turn for the better when Akira decided to mix in what he knew and loved all of his life. The new Dragon Ball series then became all about the Chinese legendary novel, Journey to the West, depicting monkey king Sun Wukong. Due to the series’ unpopularity, Toriyama re-wrote Dragon Boy, adapting it as Dragon Ball. All of the character’s personalities were changed except for Goku.
This is when Dragon Ball began to take off and become an Anime and manga favorite. This could also be why Goku was the main character, or the main character was the one without personality change from the beginning. Either way, I think most of us can understand why Goku remained the same and is one of the best human fighters in all of the universes in DB!
The History of the Dragon Ball Seasons
At the very beginning of it all, Toriyama began the series here through comics and magazines back in the early to mid-80s, was her very first depiction of Dragon Ball where it appeared in the Weekly Shonen Jump, a very popular magazine in the 80s. Toriyama not only used the legendary novel we mentioned above, but he also mixed in some ideas from Hong Kong martial art films that he had watched over the years. Hence the super amazing and quick fighting skills they have in Dragon Ball.
The story of Goku is that he grew up isolated from the rest of his peers, but this allows him to train for martial arts pretty much daily until he meets a young girl named Bulma. She convinces him to leave with her and explore the world of the seven orbs which are the Dragon Balls. The best part about these seven orbs of the universe is that when they all gather together, they summon a wish-granting dragon!
This is where Goku’s journey into the world of Dragon Balls begins, and he begins to meet all of his amazing friends along his journey. And of course, get into all of the intense fights we all know and love. So then, did the series appear first or were the movies first? Technically they were on print and in magazines first, but most people know them from the television series. The seasons started before the movies, but the movies didn’t take long at all to follow the very first series of Dragon Ball in 1986.
Dragon Ball Seasons in Order
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Dragon Ball (1986-1989)
Since this is where it all began, there are many Dragon Ball fans that will argue until they are blue in the face, that this is forever the best season and that no other DB episode, season, or series could ever top it. After all, this is where it all began and where we were all introduced, right?
What makes this series one of the best is quite possibly the use of fillers in the series, instead of feeling “useless” or “pointless” the viewers feel that this series of fillers actually add depth to the story and give the viewers a little taste of what could be in the future for Dragon Ball.
Many Dragon Ball fans feel that the original season of DB has much more consistent storylines and more consistent animation than that of Dragon Ball Z, which is why the original DB series may always be a fan favorite.
Dragon Ball Z (1989-1996)
In a lot of ways, Dragon Ball Z is just a continuation of Dragon Ball, and is only meant to continue the storylines of Goku and friends, and of course, to invite new transformations and new fights into the series. As a matter of fact, Dragon Ball Z opens up with the Saiyan Arc, which is totally new fight choreography and you get to see a new side of Goku as he fights Vegeta for the very first time. Even though Dragon Ball Z only covers four different story arcs, it is still the most popular series of all things Dragon Ball due to its intense fights, extravagant transformations, and new enemies of the universes. There is no way to ever become bored with this series as there is always something new lurking around the corner.
Dragon Ball Z is also known as the longest-running and longest-standing Dragon Ball series as of today in April 2020.
Dragon Ball GT: 1986-1987
It is said that once the “Buu era” ended in Dragon Ball, Akira Toriyama was ready to be done with the series but Toei Animation was not allowing that to happen and wanted to continue milking the franchise and series for as long as they possibly could. Even though the series was decreasing in popularity, Toei still decided to make one last attempt at an anime-only sequel, and thus was born Dragon Ball GT.

GT was born with all-new material and is not canon to the main series but is canon to the original anime, so it basically went from Dragon Ball to Dragon Ball Z, and then was finishing up with this new series of GT. In fact, the last episode of DBZ ended up being a part of the first episode for GT.
Unfortunately, Dragon Ball GT is probably known as the worst series and season of DB yet and is widely unpopular even within the Dragon Ball community and fandom. Viewers and the community complained about the series being bland with repetitive fight scenes or moves, uninspiring content, and super derivative. This is why the series didn’t last very long and most people have never even heard of it – until now.
Dragon Ball Kai: 2009-2011
Dragon Ball Kai literally kicks off on the 20th anniversary of DBZ as Toei’s attempt at being more “one” with the original design of Dragon Ball imagined by Akira from the beginning. They edited lots of their episodes and scenes in this series, as well as added a lot more talent to the team to help with design and editing alike.
Kai also seems like an introduction to Dragon Ball Z of sorts, making DBZ a little easier to understand. It’s almost as if you need to watch this series to completely get the plots and storylines of DBZ, especially if you are part of the fandom.
There are some ups and downs with this series mainly because of the introduction to DBZ and the first three-story arcs ever on Dragon Ball Z. However, I don’t think people were too happy with the origin of some of the arcs on the series, as well as the design/style or way it was used, so the good and bad here made it a likeable but disappointing series.
Dragon Ball Kai: The Final Chapters: 2014-2015
A lot of viewers feel disappointed in the series of Dragon Ball Kai: The Final Chapters, especially once they’ve watched Dragon Ball Kai. One reason could be that a very talented artist on the previous Kai series was fired on this season, so it was a totally different person working behind the scenes, which could change production in all kinds of ways.
Those that loved the series say that this season was a great continuation of the original Kai, even getting right into the action and cutting out a lot of the original fillers but the remastering of it was not so great. With mixed opinions on this series of the final Kai, we still recommend judging for yourself by watching it if you haven’t.
Dragon Ball Super: 2015-2018
The DB Super series is probably one of the most interesting seasons of all-time for Dragon Ball as a whole, because of all the build-up and tension within the series. The Super series also became the story of a comeback kid, with the season starting off pretty pathetic to put it nicely, but in the end, it came back loud and proud and ended abruptly.
Dragon Ball Super ended more than abruptly, it ended with a literal bang with the “Tournament of Power”. This bomb of an ending had fandom boys and girls all over the world on the edge of their seats, ready for more before it even ended. So we are all left wondering where this left us, nobody could fathom what would even be thought of next for the manga series of explosions.
Super Dragon Ball Heroes: 2018-Present Day
Super Dragon Ball Heroes is a totally different ballgame than the rest of the Dragon Ball series, lasting only 6 minutes per episode, it’s more of a story than anything else. Which is pretty hardcore they are able to cram a whole story into just six minutes of time. Super Dragon Ball Heroes is probably the most intense of all the series because they do pretty much anything and everything they want, nothing holding them back.